Flags of a shifted Territory

June 12th, 2023, 16h—21h
Salve Berlin as part of the Projectspacefestival 2023

Goethepark (52.5457625, 13.3374657), Wedding, Berlin

Bettina Allamoda, Kerstin Bruchhäuser, Kerstin Drechsel, Marie Katharina Fischer, Petra Gell, Alice Morey, Rocco Ruglio-Misurell, Johannes Mundinger, Emmy Skensved, Katja Windau.

installation view
installation view
Kerstin Drechsel
Alice Morey
Bettina Allamoda
Katja Windau | Kerstin Bruchhäuser
Johannes Mundinger
Petra Gell
Emmy Skensved
Marie Katharina Fischer
Rocco Ruglio-Misurell